Behind The Brand // Afternoon Pick Me Up

One of my favourite things about running a creative business is meeting fellow business owners and working with other creatives. I've had the pleasure of getting to know Kate, owner of Afternoon Pick Me Up, after designing and lettering custom wrapping paper for APMU earlier this year. APMU is a Melbourne-based gift box delivery service and as the name suggests, offers goodies to brighten your afternoon - because we all know what that 3pm slump feels like! We chat to Kate about running the business and what she's learnt along the way.

Tell us a little bit about what you do..
I run Afternoon Pick Me Up,  a Melbourne based Healthy Gift Delivery! We deliver beautifully curated healthy goodies to pick your afternoon up! When I'm not running my business, I'm Nannying, and Event Styling!

What do you love the most about running Afternoon Pick Me Up?
I love working with amazing businesses and the creativity that comes with that. I've just done a shoot with Party with Lenzo for our upcoming Christmas APMU's, and it was such a huge honour to be asked by them to be involved and to be there for the shoot and be able to work with such a talented team! 

I also love that I can work when I want to and the freedom that it brings. If I'm not feeling it one day, I'll go outside and go for a walk, or do something else before I sit down and work.

And what is the most challenging aspect?
Probably my time management. I tend to get distracted easily by something pretty or something that pops into my brain. I always feel like there is so much work that I want to do on the business, to take it to new places, but I always feel that I don't have enough hours in the day, but that's probably because I get distracted so much! 

What does a typical day look like?
I hand deliver our boxes on Mondays and Fridays, so those days look like this - fold boxes for orders and write cards, grab the Raw Chocolates needed for the orders, pop them in a cooler bag, then I jump in the car and go and pick up the Greene St Juices we need, then head to our Flower Supplier and choose the blooms for the day. I put the blooms together at every delivery place so that they're in water for as long as possible. Depending on how many deliveries there are and where they are, I'll get home around 5/6pm, sometimes earlier.

If I'm working from my home studio during the week, I'll normally drop my husband at work then sit down at my desk, write a list of what needs to be done that day and get started. It could be anything from replying to emails, check over orders, update the website, working on new boxes, work on upcoming shoots and collabs, planning for the future, paying invoices etc. Jumbled up in there will be lots of tea and snack breaks, sometimes some cooking, hopefully some kind of exercise and lots of Instagramming!

What are some of the important things you've learned since launching APMU?
That I need to trust my gut. You always know deep down how you really feel about things, and if something doesn't feel quite right to you, don't do it! 

Running a business isn't easy, it's not all pretty photos and fun times, your business is on your mind 24/7 and I often find it hard to switch off, but I am getting better at it! 

I think also being open to opportunities and meeting new people as they come around too!

When I'm not in business mode I am...
Relaxing with my husband, doing some kind of outside activity with him, or just lounging, going out for brunch/lunch/dinner. Spending time with friends and family, pilates, eating, exploring Melbourne and lying in the sun!

Describe your creative space
My little studio is our second bedroom in our home. It's got white walls and is light filled, the desk is often messy, but there are always flowers on it! There is always music playing, and ideas whirling, candles burning and tea cups, lots of tea cups!

Best remedy when you're in a creative rut..
Get outside, go for a walk or just enjoy the sunshine! Also just getting out of Melbourne, road tripping somewhere to spend the afternoon with my husband, in the sun.

What advice would you give to someone wanting to turn their creative ideas into a business but not sure where to start?
The hardest part is actually starting, and taking the leap, putting yourself out there. Think of a business name, say it out loud, pin it on the wall and see if you still like it in a few weeks. Get an ABN and website and register your business. Then start! Jumping into the creative space is scary and fun and exciting all at the same time! If you're not sure how it will go, keep working in other jobs and do it on the side, then hopefully things will pick up enough that you can take it full time! 

Right now I am most excited about…
Peony season and Summer! Cannot wait to get away to the beach and actually feel the warmth of the sun on my skin! Oh and our European Holiday next year! Oh AND to see how APMU goes in it's first ever Summer! Yay!